Project Team

Ethics Project Team

Ron, Natalie and Sheeva piloted the conceptual framework emerging from the ethics project at an invitational international conference Unsettling Research Ethics in February of 2016. Participants included both early career and prominent foundational scholars in anthropology, archaeology, critical race and ethnic studies, black studies, computer science, education, feminist studies, geography, public health, sociology, and philosophy.

The in-depth dialogue among the ethics specialists, community-based and collaborative researchers, community leaders, and social scientists was graphically visualized and documented in real time and assembled into a 100+ page report published by CCREC online in June 2016.

Ron, Natalie, and Sheeva have a book forthcoming in 2019 from the CCREC Ethics Project that is under contract with SAGE Publications – The Ethics of Research: A Praxis for Engaged Scholars – and additional publications and pedagogical materials are under development.