
Spring 2011 Newsletter
- CCREC Awards Four Collaborative Research Planning & Development Grants for 2011-2012
- CCREC Supports Collaborative Projects Across the State
- CCREC Fellow, Victor Becerra, Makes a Difference

Fall 2011 Newsletter
- Feature: Jonathan Fox (UCSC) Interview about “Civic Engagement Among Indigenous Mexican Migrant Youth in the Central San Joaquin Valley: Strategies, Repertoires, and Lessons”
- Project Update: "Uneasy Remains Film Project” led by Beth Rose Middleton (UC Davis)
- CCREC Highlights: Starting Year Two

Spring 2012 Newsletter
- Feature: Robin DeLugan (UC Merced) Interview about “Resourcing and Critical Reflection on PAR Capacity Building in the San Joaquin Valley”
- Project Update: “Worker’s Voice in the Greening of California: The Intersections of Work, Health and the Environment” led by Meredith Minkler (UC Berkeley)
- CCREC Awards Five New Planning & Development Grants for 2012-2013
- CCREC Highlights: New Video Blog; Travel Grants Available; New Policy Brief; CCREC Staff and Network Grows

Fall/Winter 2012 Newsletter
- Featured Advisory Board Member: Reverend Daniel Buford hopes to use his community organizing experience to help ground CCREC’s research agenda to solve real community issues.
- Featured Fellow: George Lipsitz Interview about his CCREC-Funded Project “Immigrant Women Workers and Social Change: The Community Transformational Organizing Strategy of Asian Immigrant Women.”
- CCREC Highlights: Funding Opportunities; Expanding Partnerships and Staff; "Signature" Project Progress

Spring/Summer 2013 Newsletter
- Featured Advisory Board Member: Dr. Mary Brydon-Miller hopes to use her years of experience with equity-oriented engaged scholarship to help CCREC build a strong national and international network of researchers and community partners.
- Featured Fellow: Victor Becerra links university and community efforts to grow healthy California communities.
- CCREC Highlights: Two new CCREC Planning and Development Grant recipients announced; "Signature" Project progress; New CCREC Policy Brief; CCREC Fellows make a difference across the state and beyond; CCREC-sponsored UC Campus events

Fall/Winter 2013 Newsletter
- Featured Advisory Board Member: Dr. Timothy K. Eatman has a deep commitment to engaged scholarship that is rooted in a long history of equity-oriented work.
- Featured Fellow: Heidi Ballard discusses her work and how public participation in scientific research is linking university and community efforts.
- CCREC Highlights: Updates on the two CCREC "signature" projects; a new NSF Planning and Development Grant and a second grant from the Spencer Foundation to investigate the Ethical Issues in Equity-Oriented Collaborative Community-Based Research; CCREC accepts proposals for UC Campus Events and to seed innovative collaborative research projects; save-the-date for two exciting CCREC-sponsored events in 2014: the Collaborative Research Training Institute and the Digital Media, Community-Based Research & Democracy Conference.

Spring/Summer 2014 Newsletter
- Featured Advisory Board Member: Raquel Lopez, Executive Director of Casa de la Raza in Santa Barbara, CA, discusses her equity-oriented work and why she partners with CCREC and other university researchers.
- Featured Fellow: Adrián Félix discusses his work with Mexican migrants and how CCREC is linking university and community efforts.
CCREC Highlights:
- Five new planning and development grants are awarded for promising equity-oriented collaborative community-based research projects;
- CCREC continues to support and improve the practice of equity-oriented collaborative research through a first annual summer institute on collaborative research for graduate students and early career scholars;
- collaborative partnerships are creating opportunities for interdisciplinary dialogue and engagement through a variety of conferences coming soon;
- a new Postdoctoral Scholar joins CCREC to increase CCREC's capacity for providing guidance on best practices and tools for addressing the ethical issues in collaborative research;
- and CCREC's community-engaged computing initiative gets underway with the support of NSF and through key collaborative partnerships.
- CCREC Fellows make a difference in California and beyond through community-engaged research.

Fall 2014/Winter 2015 Newsletter
- Featured Advisory Board Member: Victor Rubin, Vice President for Research at PolicyLink in Oakland, CA, on research for equitable and dynamic urban policies.
- Featured Fellow: Michael Montoya, Associate Professor at UC Irvine, discusses power, privilege, and the possibilities for community generated knowledge.
- Message from the Director, Ron Glass: "The Magical CCREC Crew"
CCREC Highlights:
- Increasing capacity for collaborative research and developing the next generation of engaged scholars through CCREC's first annual Collaborative Research Training Institute (August 2014);
- On November 14 and 15, 2014, in Santa Cruz, CCREC hosted ”Generating Knowledge and Building Democratic Power with Community-Based Research and Digital Media” an invitational conference for about 100 community-based researchers and activists to discuss praxis and theory;
- Work is underway on the casebook resource to guide students, researchers, community partners, and research administrators in their deliberation of ethical dilemmas that emerge in collaborative research projects;
- CCREC builds continued capacity for research for equity with the addition of new staff members.
- CCREC Fellows, Emily Ozer (UC Berkeley) and Jonathan London (UC Davis), make a difference in California and beyond through community-engaged research.
- CCREC welcomes new Fellow, Diane Fujino (UC Santa Barbara).

Spring/Summer 2015 Newsletter
- Growing Equity from the Ground Up: the Oakland-based food justice community-university partnership continues to grow amid transitions.
- Young Adult Civic Engagement: laying the foundation to advance equitable, community-based solutions throughout Central California.
- Message from the Director, Ron Glass: "Difficult Transitions"
- CCREC Ethics Project update
- CCREC Fellows Elizabeth Marlow, Nigel Hatton and Helene Moglen make a difference in California and beyond through community-engaged research.